Saturday, December 28, 2019

Graphic Imagery And Designs Evolve Until Production

The process towards architectural construction takes on many forms, including various design stages. The graphic imagery and designs evolve until production begins. There are undoubtedly many considerations into a building’s design, which stresses their representation as even more important and influential to its potential construction. Elevation drawings and plans lay out the details of construction, they are useful to ensure the structure adheres to any local codes, however more detailed drawings are required for construction known as final renderings.1 Drawings are therefore a fundamental form of documentation that informs a building s production. On the other hand, the emergence of archigram in the post-war era encouraged the imagination and was a platform that challenged previous form of representation. Archigram placed as much influence on the context of the building and depicting its urban surrounding as much as emphasising the building itself. In addition, architectura l photography provoked the emergence of modern forms and structures; however, contextualizing buildings within the image was unnecessary. It was believed that architecture could reform people- architecture is the art one lives in and thus rational design could make rational societies.2 This idea was very much a driving force of representation which drawings, photography and archigram intended to reform their urban landscape. Unlike detailed drawing which provided an insight into the scale andShow MoreRelated Emory Douglas: All Power to the People1059 Words   |  5 Pagesthrough such mediums that Douglas had the ability to enlighten and provoke a predominately illiterate and uneducated community via visual communication, illustrating that art can evolve into an overpowering device to precipitate social and political change. Emory Douglas was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, until 1951 when he and his mother relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area. 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